Our fundamental values

We continue to follow the guideline of the founder of our company, we like solid things, good taste, attention to detail. We are open to the world, we like to know, learn, confront with other cultures, with other ways of living, incorporating, without losing our roots, everything positive the world and the people who live there can offer us. In accordance with our corporate philosophy we offer maximum flexibility, combining various professionalism to make concrete creative ideas, achieve the satisfaction of those who use our products, taking care of them thoroughly to last over time. We come from craftsmanship and over the years we have transformed it into an industrial craft never losing our roots, we want to continue on this path, creating products to make us appreciate for what we do. We do not want to become a big company, we want to fully satisfy our customers who daily put their trust in us.

  • Tailor made furniture between innovation and tradition

  • Respect and culture of the territory

“To be irreplaceable one must be different.”

Coco Chanel